The Final of the Sixth Chinese Graduates Energy Equipment Innovation Design Contest Held in UPC


On Oct. 19-20, the Final of the Sixth Chinese Graduates Energy Equipment Innovation Design Contest was held in UPC. 292 design works from 121 universities incluing Tsinghua university, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, University of New South Wales made it to the final and competed for the champion. After the fierce competition, the two works from UPC and Wuhan University won the grand prizes and 27 works won the first prizes.

Under the guidance of China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center(CDGDC), the contest was organized by Children & Youth Science Center (CYSC), Shandong Education Department, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, China Petroleum Education Society and China University of Petroleum. It targeted at enchancing the innovative and practical ability of graduates and centered the the theme of Technological Innovation of Petroleum Equipment.

Since its launching in April, the contest has attracted 1075 teams from 151 colleges and universities all around the world. The works covered all areas of new energy innovation, inluding marine energy development, green efficiencyoil and gas, wind power and solar energy. In fact, it has proved to be of high significance for replacing old growth drivers with new ones of the traditional and new equipment.